Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Science 2/21/2012


On the last posting I promised video of the launch. Here is a short sample video of the launch. To see a longer version, click on the link below and it will take you to an Animoto with pictures and video of the rockets and launch. Enjoy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Science 2/10/2012

We've been studying Newton's Laws of Motion. Students are making water bottle rockets as a final project. We plan on  launching next Friday (the 17th,  as the weather is predicted to be fair that day.) I'll post more pictures after the launch.


Creating a fin pattern

Bottle, bottle, which bottle should I use?

Laying out a nosecone.

Ensuring a tight fit for proper pressurization.
Hot glue assembly.

Can you believe this is going to be a parachute?

Student garantees it will be "the best!"