Friday, April 27, 2012

This week we tried to discover the reason for a "mysterious" illness in Fruitvale. It was a simulation that had students using information from patients, and testing water samples to determine the outbreak of the illness. We traced it down to contaminated well water from trash in a vacant lot. Students did a good job of using their resources and collaboration. Here are some pics from the week.

Maps of patients homes and the city
Elevation and substrata maps
Well location map and results of testing
Testing the samples

Friday, April 13, 2012

Science 4/13/2012

This week was a continuation on genetics. We watched a Discovery Learning video that had us discussing twins, genetic modifications, cloning, CSI using DNA, etc.  Gregor Mendel and his pea plants were in class and that led us into learning about plant reproduction. We used real plants to identify parts and see how plants vary. 

The diagram we used to learn the parts - a another Gizmo!

Looking at the parts in a real plant.

20 different plant samples. So were even edible!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Science 4/6/2012

We looked at heredity this week.


 We used three Gizmos from In two of them we bred mice. One Gizmo demonstrated one trait dominance and the second demonstrated two traits. It sure takes a lot less time to breed 100 mice using a simulation! 

Then we used the simulation for chickens. We looked at incomplete dominance. Some students were surprised to learn that speckled chickens could have pure colored offspring. I guess that is why we cover that topic - there is always something to learn. 

Here's hoping that you find all of the hidden Easter eggs.