Monday, August 20, 2012


     Welcome to the 2012-13 school year! Lots of new things will be happening this year. We will be having a longer school day. We are adding a 30 minute seminar at the end of the day. We will have a shorter school year, due to building remodel during next summer. I'm soooooo excited as the science classrooms will receive complete overhauls. More space, better design, and freshening up.

We are starting this year with Physical Science. We began our weather journals today. A LiveBinder will be keeping track of the many web sites and web cams we will be using for this. 

We also set three personal goals today which will be revisited during the year. When doing this we discussed SMART goals - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. 

This is the plan for the week:
Monday 8/20 - Agenda, goals & weather journal
Tuesday 8/21 - Overview of the year using the video "Powers of Ten"
Wednesday 8/22 - Safety notes and a worksheet
Thursday 8/23 - Review measuring of mass, volume, length and temperature
Friday  8/24- Log on for Gizmos (an online simulation) and working with triple beam balances

I'm looking forward to a grrrreat year with grrrreat students.