Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb. 8, 2013

It's been a busy week. We've been studying heredity and genetics.

I always enjoy working with Punnett squares and the student responses to how they work. I always learn about their families when doing this unit. I was at an ESSDACK workshop on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) on Wednesday. While I was learning about what is coming to our State's Science Standards, the students were learning about phenotypes, genotypes, and how nice simulated mice are.
Before the class period was over they had "bred" over 600 mice and collected data on fur color without having to clean a single cage. 

Eighth grade girls are  have been invited to a CSI day at K-State on March 23. It looks like a fun day. Girls can contact me for a copy of the brochure or visit the website by clicking here.
We have Parent/Teacher Conferences coming up on Feb. 18 & 19. The 8th Grade parents will have the results of the EXPLORE Test share with them and their student.

Have an enjoyable Valentine's Day next week.