Friday, August 16, 2013

New Technology

I'm going to use some new technology this year. I'll be starting with Remind101. It is a free and safe way for teachers to send text reminders to students and parents. It doesn't require either party to know the other party's phone number. I'll be showing students how to register during the first week of school. So parents be sure and ask your students how to get the same reminders they do. Remind101 is a free service for parents and students, but standard messaging rates apply.

Here is a YouTube video about Remind101

Enjoy your the last of your summer break!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

End of Summer

 I'm sad to summer come to an end, but so excited to see what is in store for us this year. As you can see below, big things are happening at PHMS! Teachers will be starting on Aug. 23 to ensure that you have the best learning experience possible. I'll be in my classroom Aug. 29 and 30, so stop by and say "Hi!"

All pictures were taken from the PHMS Facebook page. Be sure and visit it.