Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013 - Lots of learning going on.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving break. It has been busy, busy here at PHMS 116 since we got back from break. We are working on finishing two major items, one project and one unit.

The project is our research project for the Technology Assessment. At this point students have finished the majority of their research. We started putting the final product together on Monday. They made their first post on their blog at Kidsblog. We are not opening up their blogs until the project is completed so they have a chance to edit and revise before it is published. They should have two posts completed, one is their personal connection to their topic (why they chose it) and the other is the history or background about their topic. They will continue to do a small amount of research to fill in gaps of knowledge and to gather images to be used in the blog.

The unit that we are completing is on atoms and the periodic table. At this point they have learned about atomic theories, subatomic particles, atomic structure, isotopes, ions, symbols, and the arrangement of the periodic table. We'll be reviewing the material next week and taking a test over the concepts on Dec. 19. That way they can relax and enjoy the Christmas break.

If you would like to view a video on atoms and the periodic table click here. You may have to download the video before viewing. Hope you have a great weekend.