Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oct. 31, 2012

Last week took a test on Friday, so we had spent the days before completing a study guide and reviewing. Everyone studied hard and the work was evidenced on the test, as the class averages Bs and As. Great Job!

This week we are starting to study the Periodic Table of the Elements. We began this session by organizing some paint chips. We discovered that there is more than one way to do this. I created a PowerPoint to share several examples of how the chips were organized. Click here to see the PowerPoint or just check out a few examples below.

Are you sure these go together?
Pick a card, any card.

From darkest to lightest, but from which directions?
Any on the floor?
Everyone was involved.

Color wheel goes round in circles.
We need a longer table.

Divide the chips and each does his own organization.

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