Friday, September 13, 2013

A new Science room is being constructed.
View of my classroom from the door.

View from the back corner.
We've began  new school year and I'm making my first post of the school year. 

As you can see, progress is being made on the building. The new science room is taking shape and other instructional rooms have been updated. Some hiccups occurred and have been settled. Hopefully, we learned from them so the move of the Science rooms will go smoothly next summer.

My classroom is slightly different from last year. I've staggered the tables and have one fewer table group. I have the same number of students but found I wasn't using the one group of tables very often. So I split them and put them at opposite sides of the room.

We've already done our first Gizmos of the year - Triple Beam Balance and Density Laboratory. The students can access these from any computer. So have them show you one.

Speaking of access, I'm trying something new this year, remind101. It is a text messaging system that allows me to send students a text without needing to know their phone numbers. I'll be sending out the first one on Sunday to remind them of pictures on Monday.

We learned about Safety this last week and will be moving on to the metric system on Monday. So look for examples of the metric system in your daily life.

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