Friday, November 15, 2013

A busy week - Nov. 15, 2013

This last week was a busy one. Students are learning how to manage two projects simultaneously. We spent Monday and Wednesday on the Technology Assessment. You can visit Mrs. Bowman's website to see the guidelines here.
Mrs. Poulseen's class receiving instructions from Mrs. Bowman in the Technology Assessment.
 Tuesday and Thursday was spent learning about sub-atomic particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons. We used the Gizmo "Element Builder" at to see how the different particles impact an atom. What determines the identity of the element, the charge of the atoms and which isotope is represented.  We created a pyramid shaped graphic organizer with information about the sub-atomic particles.

Friday was an unusual day. All students attended the BHS performance of"Lil' Abner"in the morning. Then after lunch was the reward they earned by meeting the goal set in the food drive. The studnents seemed to enjoy both activities.

Hope you are enjoying the cooler weather.

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