Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept. 21, 2012

Another Friday and some more pictures.

I realized that I had never shared pictures of our class room pets. Here they are -
the biosphere with two shrimp,

 our newest addition, neon tetras,

A fire bellied toad (we did have two but one escaped and was found deceased in another room),

and our Beta.

And here are pictures from the lab that we did this week, "White Before Your Eyes"
We took four white powders and determined their chemical properties to identify them.

First we made sure everyone understood the procedure.
 Then we gathered the necessary materials.
One of the four white powders in a test tube.
Adding iodine to see if it would change color.
 It sure did!
Comparing the results of three test solutions.

 We also used the Gizmo "Mystery Powder" to help us understand the concept of creating a reference guide and using it to identify a substance.  When we finished the lab, we complete a lab report using a template on BuhlerDocs. It was a busy week.

Just a reminder - Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 24 and 25. Test on Tuesday over Scientific Method, using equipment, and physical and chemical properties and changes.

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