Friday, September 28, 2012

Sept. 28, 2012

Sept. 28, 2012

Another week has past. We started the week with Parent Teacher Conference. Thanks to all parents who took time out of their busy schedule to stop by and visit with us about their students. 

We don't have any pics of this weeks activities. We reviewed on Monday for a test we took on Tuesday. On Wednesday we started a video "Mixtures: Together but Separate" that introduced us to mixtures. We completed a worksheet while watching. Lots of new information. On Thursday we completed the video. The test had been graded so they were given back to the students. They had some class time to make test corrections (students with Ds or Fs must complete test corrections, students with As, Bs or Cs have the option of doing test corrections to raise their grade.)

Today is Friday and a day off from school. It is in compensation for the extra hours teachers put in on Monday and Tuesday. I hope teachers and students both enjoy the long weekend. 

Hopefully, more pics next week as we will be studying suspensions, colloids and solutions. See you then.

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