Friday, January 18, 2013

Jan. 18, 2013

We've been working hard this week as we have continued to work on our Technology Assessment projects. Students have spent several days researching their topic and becoming more knowledgeable. We have learned about plagiarism, what makes a good slide, a new presentation program, and how to create hyperlinks. So lots of learning going on!

We will be having presentations next Friday. Students will host a "Gallery Walk" where they show their work and then view the work of other students. Parents and others are invited to view the projects. We hope to have a good turnout. 

Our girls received an invitation to attend the GROW program "All Together for Innovation" on the Kansas State University campus on Jan. 26. I hope that some will be able to attend. I won't be able to go to Manhattan as I'll be in Wichita attending a workshop on wind energy put on by Windwise Education. Looking forward to learning more about wind energy and getting activities for my classroom. 

Have a good week!

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