Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan. 29, 2013 - Happy Kansas Day!

Today is the date that Kansas became a state in 1861. To "celebrate" in science class today we are looking at some items from the past. We begin class with some snippets of video from the PBS series "Frontier House." We are using the episode 5 which talks about the children. I show sections that talk about the chores they have, how hard they work, and how tough decisions have to be made (Does the non-layiing chicken become a dinner?) Then we looked at items from the "Pioneer Foodways" and the "1900 School Days" kits from the Kauffman Museum. I've added some pictures to let you see what I shared. 

School items - hanky, marbles, button, and harmonica for student's
entertainment. The bell to start school and a lunch pail.
Inkwell, pen, penmanship samples, textbooks and a slate.
Lye soap, canning jars, tin plate and cup, bone handled knife and fork,
and coffee grinder.
Potato masher, rolling pin, iron pail and wooden spoon; butter churn,
mold and  ladle.
Cabbage slicer, wooden bowl, bucket tap, hog scraper, meat grinder and
apple peeler.
Great Grandpa Phillip's horse hair coat and lab robe (cira. 1913),
Great Grandma Martin's handmade flour sack quilt (cira. 1930),
Christina's "rag rabbit."

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