Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Techincal Difficulties - mine!

Well, it has been awhile since I posted a blog. I've been having some issues with technology, me not the equipment. My camera died just before Christmas so the images on my last post were screen shots from my laptop. Shortly after that post I received an iPad mini for use in my classroom. I used it to take pictures when we were studying chemical reactions and pH. But I couldn't figure out how to get the pictures from the iPad to this blog. Then a couple of weeks ago I got a new phone. I used it this week to take pictures after we had studies Newton's Laws of Motion. I put in some time tonight and figured out how to get the pictures from my phone and the iPad to this blog. So below are a few of those images.
Red and blue litmus paper that indicates pH.

After being put in an acidic solution.

After being put in a neutral solution.

After being put in a basic solution.

Recently we have been working with Newton's Laws. We reviewed the three Laws, worked with friction, potential and kinetic energy, momentum, acceleration, and inertia. He is a picture of a couple of students using what they learned in Science class during Seminar.
How far will it go?
Here is hoping that I keep increasing my technology expertise and use of new technology in my classroom.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome back!! Jan. 10, 2014

I hope that everyone had a good break. I certainly did, spending time with family and relaxing was certainly needed and enjoyed.

I unexpectedly had a day longer break as I got ill on Sunday before we returned. The sub did a good job of dealing with the lesson plans written when I had less than focused concentration.

When I got back on Tuesday we jumped right in. We started learning about chemical bonding - ionic, covalent, metallic, and polyatomic ions. Since this is new information for my students we have been taking it fairly slow. They are giving me "thumbs up" when surveyed about their understanding of the topic.

Part of a journal showing .5 mile visibility due to fog and an increase of daylight by 12 minutes.

Today was our first Weather Journal recording of the new year. We discovered that the amount of daylight is increasing since we returned from break. Yea! We also have been looking at the web cam at several sites over the course of the year. I've included some of those for you to view.

Island Falls, ME

Mt. Katahdin, ME

Fargo, ND

San Francisco, CA

Seattle, WA

Crater Lake, OR Steel Visitor Center

I'm looking forward to a busy weekend that includes some fun activities. Hope you have the same in store.