Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec. 14, 2012

It has been a busy week at PHMS. The band went to BHS on Monday morning for a workshop. We had combined chorus rehearsals three days this week with one at Memorial Hall where the performance was on Thursday evening. Math contest was on Wednesday and we did well winning several medals. Today the Cougar Singers are on tour and the Ag classes are judging cattle at the fair grounds. 

On Tuesday, Gary Histand, the Chemistry instructor from Bethel College, and three of his students came to class and did a variety of chemistry demos. The students enjoyed this greatly. On Wednesday we had a lot of "How did they do ....?" questions which reviewed a large amount of material we had covered in class this year. But because it was in a different format it had the students thinking. Speaking of what we've covered in class, we will be having the chemistry content test on Thursday, Dec. 20. The students already have the study guide for this. If you want you can get a copy by clicking here.

Here are some pictures from Tuesday, when Bethel gave the demonstrations.

Setting the "mood" for science.
"How did he do that?"

This was a "blast."
Let's see what happens when you add clear liquids.....

.... t becomes yellow ....
...then blue!

Water in two cups ...
put it over your head and move the CD ....

A valve, a balloon, ....

add a second balloon, then .....

Heating a penny.
This is one LARGE molecule!
Halfway point of turning a penny into a gold coin.

Waiting to see what happens next.
Elephant toothpaste.

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