Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dec. 20, 2012

Update on last week - Bethel College contacted us about using some of last week's post on their Facebook page. You might want to check it out.

Another week is almost gone. We have spent Mon-Wed. reviewing for the Chemistry Content Test which the students are taking today. I have it on my Moodle page and several students have commented that it is the first time to take an assessment using a computer in a Science class. 

 The students will get plenty of computer time in Science when we return from break, as we will be doing a research project for the State of Kansas Technology Assessment. The students will be researching one of the following topics - alternative energy sources; the environment; food, health & fitness; forces & motion; national security & safety (this topic was decided on in November); robotics; and technology.

Here's hoping that you have an enjoyable break with safe travels.

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