Friday, December 7, 2012

Dec. 7, 2012

This week has been pretty quite, as we have been reviewing material for today's test over bonding and reactions (see last week's post for some learning activities.) 

We also had a fund raiser/spirit week going for "Pennies for Patients." We had PJ day (I wore my fuzzy robe), Super Hero day (I came as "Super Mom" complete with baby and the all inclusive purse), Hat day (one for every hour - the student's favorite was the "Krispie Kreme" during lunch), College Team day (go K-State!), and Teacher day (do/did you have one of these). The students met the goal!! so we'll be having an assembly next week for some teachers to get some pie (not in the sky but the face!) 

We have an activity filled week coming up. We have the Band going to the Dallas Brass Workshop at BHS, combined chorus rehearsals and an all day rehearsal for the Vocal Concert, Math Contest, Cougar Singers Tour, and an Ag Contest.  And as a special treat in Science on Tuesday - Bethel College will be sharing Chemistry demos in class. I'm told it is the most popular  convocation on the Bethel campus. I'll be sure the have photos next week. Until then, keep looking up - the last lunar mission was launched 40 years ago today. Click here to read an article about it.

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