Friday, October 25, 2013

Let's mix it up! Mixtures

Physically separating the iron filings using magnetism.
Using solubility to remove the salt from the sand.
On Monday we separated a mixture of salt, sand and iron filings. We used their physical properties to accomplish this.
First we removed the iron filings using their property of magnetism. A magnet was able to gather up most of the filings in the mixtures.

After that, we used solubility to separate the salt and sand.  We added water to the remaining mixture. This put the salt into solution, as it is soluble in water and sand is not

Filtering out the larger particles of sand from the salt water.
Removing the water from the salt.

Then we removed the sand from the water using filter paper.

And lastly, we used boiling point to separate the salt and water. Since it is lower for water, it evaporated, leaving the salt behind in the beaker.

Concentrated vs. dilute

 On Wednesday, we looked at solutions. They are homogeneous mixtures.

We looked at concentration or the amount of solute in a solution- concentrated on the left and dilute on the right.
Cold vs. hot water

Instant tea vs. tea leaves

One variable affecting rate of solubility is temperature. Obviously, hot water put the tea into solution quicker than cold water.

Another variable is particle size. Thus the powered tea goes into solution quicker than the tea leaves.

This is our Graphic Organizer as completed for Mixtures. Click to check it out.

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