Thursday, October 10, 2013

Physcial and Chemical

We are still working with Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes.

We did a lab where we calculated the density of 14 different items and then analyzed the densities from least to greatest. We discovered that plant based items were the least dense, then synthetics like nylon and PVC. Those were followed by minerals and the metals were the most dense.

Create a Density Tower

Here is a fun activity that you could do at home. Link to Steve Spangler Science to watch a video on how to make one.

We also worked with changes in states of matter, using water as the substance. This gave us practice in using thermometers, recording data, and analyzing that data. Next week we will try and discover the identity of  some white mystery powders using their physical and chemical properties.
Yes, you really do need to collect data.
What was that temperature?
How do we tell if it is boiling?

Look at the condensation!


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