Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct. 18, 2013 and it's snowing!

Snow collecting on door frames waiting to be installed.

Snow in the evergreens behind the school.

Yes, we had snow falling today during the afternoon classes. Students are guessing if/how it will affect the PHMS band's performance tonight at the BHS football game. Luckily, today was the day to record in our weather journals. It was interesting to see how the temperature, wind and visibility dropped during the day. 

We've been studying physical and chemical properties of matter this week. We did the Gizmo, Mystery Powder Analysis from Explore Learning. Students collected data on 5 known substances - salt, gelatin, baking soda, baking powder, and corn starch. Then they determined the identity of 5 unknown substances and 5 mixtures of two substances.

This is "WHAT?"
Registration papers for the STEM activities.
Girls have two opportunities to explore STEM careers. I posted these links at the school's Facebook page but here they are again, in case you want to check these opportunities out.
WSU's Exploring your Horizons and K-State's Grow   
   Next week we will begin working with mixtures. Lots of new vocabulary coming up!
Coming next week - mixtures, solutions, and suspensions.

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