Thursday, October 31, 2013

Test Prep and Review - Oct. 31, 2013

It seems like we've done quite a bit this week while preparing for the test on Thursday.

On it's way up.
We started Monday with a quick visit about the weather. The water barometer was the highest it has been this school year. In fact in the afternoon water was actually dripping from it. It was quite foggy this morning so I shared my Great Grandmother's old wives tale of "It will rain 100 days after a heavy fog." So we marked the calendar on 100 days out - Feb. 5. We'll see what happens.

On Tuesday students were given the study guide for the test. But first we reviewed colloids by making some samples of oobleck and goop/gak/flubber.
Oobleck ingredients - cornstarch and water.

We used the ratio of approximately 2 cornstarch to 1 water. This creates a non-Newtonian liquid that becomes solid under pressure. To see oobleck dancing watch this video.
To see it on the Ellen DeGeneres Show watch this video.
 Ingredients for goop/gak/flubber consist of water, borax and glue.

My recipe calls to make a solution of the white glue and water with a ratio of 1:1. An a borax solution (really a suspension as it settles out) at a ratio of 8:1. In this case the water is the solvent (large amount) and the borax is the solute (small amount).
We measured out equal amounts of each solution.Then combined them and stirred, creating a chemical change and producing this.  Another recipe and video is located here.  

On Wednesday we did a "Mix & Match" review of vocabulary and terms for the test. Students were given a card and they had to find all of the matches. Some only had one, others had five. It got us up, moving, and thinking.
Which one?
A correct set.
I don't think so.

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